
Portal Tomb and Wedge Tomb

Driving west along the B47 after leaving Goles stone row,I came upon a sign indicating the way to Glenroan portal tomb, I just had to check it out. Marked chambered grave the tomb is now part of a field boundary that runs along the side of a small track. Although the capstone has slipped, and is now resting on the backstone, and only one of the portal stones is still in position, the chamber is still in good condition. It is possible that some of the cairn material still remains, hidden under the hedgerow.The tomb is orientated in a NE direction.

It is possible to view the tomb from the track, the image shown right was taken from there, but it's more rewarding to walk up the track and into the field. Just 10 metres east of the portal tomb is the remains of another chambered grave, I think this may be a wedge tomb, there are what appears to be a capstone and some othostats lying around the remains of a large mound. To get a good impression of the size of the mound it is better to view it from the track on your way back, there is another field boundary running along the side of it which may contain some of the side walls. There are some great views of the Glenelly Valley to be seen from here and in the top image you can see the Barnes Gap in the background to the south of the tomb.


Situated: From Plumbridge in County Tyrone travel east along the B47 for approximately 6 kilometres take the first left after Glenroan Bridge, drive up here passed the farm house and barn till you see a small track on your left, park here and walk 80 metres up the track passing the tomb on your right, then turn right and go through the gate. The portal tomb can be seen in the hedge to your right.

Google Map.

Discoverer Map 13: H 5474 9127. Last visit July 2007.

Longitude: 7° 8' 58" W

Latitude: 54° 45' 59" N

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

Remains of chambered grave

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